
1. Description of services

1.1. Our resource provides paid access to the extended functionality of the project API.

1.2. All services provided by our resource operate according to their description and are included in the general terms of the agreement.

1.3. By purchasing access to the API, the client accepts the user agreement, as well as the general terms of the agreement. And is fully responsible for their actions.

1.4. All the features of the provided services, as well as the terms of their provision, can be found on the «Prices» page of the site RANDUS.ORG.

2. User Agreement

2.1. The Customer purchases access to the API strictly on the checkout page. Access purchased from 3 persons is subject to blocking without the possibility of a refund.

2.2. After acquiring access to the API, the client can use it using their unique personal access key, which can be found in the user's personal account on the site RANDUS.ORG.

2.3. In the event of the end of the paid period and further non-payment, the user will be automatically transferred to the free tariff plan and access to the API will be carried out in accordance with the terms of the free tariff plan (please note that the resource administration reserves the right to change the terms of providing free access to the API without prior notice to users).

2.4. After paying for your order, the customer has the full right to ask for help in technical support through the ticket system on the website RANDUS.ORG for questions that may be related to the purchased service.

3. Legislative Agreement

3.1. In accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), this agreement is a public offer addressed to an unlimited number of persons. In accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this public offer is considered to be the beginning of the use of test services or the payment made by the client to pay for the services of the contractor and the receipt of the corresponding email and receipt to the specified email address confirming the payment.

3.2. All disputes arising between the parties in connection with the performance of this agreement shall be resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve disputes and disagreements on the basis of mutual agreements, then they are subject to resolution in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Application form

4.1. The administration and technical support are addressed in Russian, English and Ukrainian. When contacting the client, the client must:

  • observe the norms of formal communication
  • describe in detail the essence of the problem
  • specify after which actions the problem was detected
  • specify the time of the problem that occurred

Technical support is available on weekdays from 09: 00 to 21: 00 Moscow time, on weekends - from 11: 00 to 19: 00 Moscow time. The average response time is up to 30 minutes, and there may be delays due to the workload of employees. Responses at night are made as soon as employees are available. Public holidays according to the legislation of the Russian Federation – weekends.

Users are also prohibited from:

  • use of obscene language
  • disrespectful attitude to the site staff or its content
  • demand, make demands, on issues that violate the rules of this agreement
  • In case of violation of one or more rules, the client receives a warning in accordance with clause 4.2.

4.2. In case of violation of clause 4.1 of the rules, the client may receive:

  • verbal warning for the initial violation of these rules
  • refusal of technical support for disrespectful attitude to the site staff
  • blocking of the account for a period of 1 day for repeated violations of clause 4.1.
  • blocking your account for a period of 2 days or more, without the possibility of returning unused funds for repeated violations and insults to the site administration

5. Refusal of the services provided

5.1. If the client refuses the API access services provided, the request for a refund of unused funds can be considered only if the client has not made any requests to the API within the framework of the purchased tariff plan. The resource administration reserves the right to refuse a refund to the client.

5.2. The refund of unused funds is made upon the client's request sent through the website RANDUS.ORG through the ticket system, after which the application is considered by the administration within 3 working days from the date of its submission by the client and makes a decision on the payment of funds.

5.3. Refunds for services already rendered are not made.

5.4. The Administration has the full right to refuse to refund the funds due to biased reasons of the client (see clause 5.1. of this article Offers).

6. Denial of Service

6.1. The resource administration has the right to refuse to provide services to the client without the possibility of a refund if the client uses vulnerabilities (bugs, flaws) of the resource.

6.2. The resource administration has the right to refuse to provide services to the client without the possibility of a refund due to violations of this agreement by the client.

7. Changing the terms of the Offer

7.1. The Resource Administration has the right to make changes to this Offer without prior notice to the resource users.

7.2. The new version of the Offer comes into force from the moment of its placement.

7.3. The obligation to monitor changes in the Offer in a timely manner lies entirely with the users of the resource.

This document is mandatory for all users of our resource to read.

Revision of 04/14/2021

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Personalities Generated
12.6 M
API Requests
26.8 M